Monday, March 9, 2015

Executive Job Search Strategies - Part 1

Personal and Online Branding

 Your brand is unique to you. Your brand is all about your reputation and what is authentically "you" - the passions, key personality traits, core strengths, and motivated skills everyone knows you for and relies on you to always deliver. This doesn't just happen overnight, either. This is a process and you need to take some time on it. Your brand should be visible both online and offline.


Strategy and Self-Study

Know what you want. Don't go into your job search blind. Gather some research on the industry that you want to work in and reflect on your skills and past contributions to the organizations you have worked with. This is also a good time to think about teaming up with an executive recruiter. They will have tools to help you tackle interviews, fix your resume, and serve as a guide to navigating your job search.

Develop Relationships With Executive Recruiters

Build a relationship with recruiters. They have databases filled with non-visible jobs. Don't wait for a recruiter to bring a job to you; it's up to you to find out! Some job seekers use recruiters on a need-to-need basis. It's important to stay in contact with recruiters as they have their ear close to new opportunities.  That being said, treat recruiters like insurance - you regularly invest (in developing the relationship) so that when you actually need it, you will get the help you need.